Annual Report — Backpacks For Success


Our first year in the books.


2019 is was our first year as an official 501 (c) (3) non-profit in St. Louis, Missouri. We are so happy with the results & impact that was made during our first official year as a non profit. We are thankful for everyone who donated, all of our corporate sponsors, as well as those on social media who continue to share our mission. Thank you to everyone who continues to support our non-profit.



Goal - 125 Backpacks Donated


Result - 200 Backpacks Donated


160% Of Our Goal



Goal - 3 Corporate Sponsors


Result - 5 Corporate Sponsors


167% Of Our Goal



Goal - 2 In Person Events


Result - 1 Event


50% Of Our Goal



Setting our goals for the year.


We have just received our official 501 (c) (3) status as an organization. Just because we are in the early stages of development doesn’t mean that we are settling. We have big goals for the 2019 year and beyond.

One of our goals is to serve 125 students in 2019.

Although this number is a major difference vs previous years, we believe that it is very possible given the team we have built over the last year. We are so excited to reach for this number as we see it having a huge impact in the local community.

Another goal of ours is to align with 3 corporate sponsors in the St. Louis community. We believe with the help of established and progressive brands we can bring positive initiates to schools, students and families in St. Louis. If you are interested in working with us, please fill out our convenient form.

Another goal that we are reaching towards is to organize two in-person events for the year. These event dates, times, functions and other details are tbd. Events can include donation drives, backpack packing events, or even networking socials put on by sponsors and community members. If you have ideas, event spaces, or other information that can help make this possble, please fill out our form.



commitment to the community


# Of students served



# of corporate sponsors


# of In-person events


Profit & Loss 2019





Folders, Notebook, Binders, looseleaf

Skechers Shoe donation- two children

Markers, Croyans, Pens, Pencils, Colored Pencils

Scissors, glue sticks, glue, Erasers, post its

Dryer erase markers, pencil boxes

Headphones, wips, paper towels

Rulers, highlighters

Washer & Dryer

Donations to other non profits:

Meramaec Heights Elementary

Total Expenses:












